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Migration Crisis

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE SUMY STATE UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES “UAB” Department of International Economic Relations   TERM PAPER on the discipline “International relations and world” on the topic “Migration crisis in EU”     Student (group МЕ-72а.ан) _____________ T.A. Perederii      Supervisor Ph.D in Economics, Senior Lecturer of International Economic Relations Department _____________ T.O. Kurbatova     Sumy – 2019 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………… 3  1. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE MIGRATION…………………. 5  1.1 The essence of international migration in the global economic system ……………………………………. 5  1.2 Reasons of international migration in countries……… 7  1.3 The basics of the migration crisis in Europe………………………. 10   2. THE ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION IN EUROPE.. 13  2.1 Assessment of the European migration crisis…….. 11  2.2 Consequences of migration for European countries……………  18  3. THE WAYS TO SOLVE THE MIGRATION CRISIS IN EU…………..  20  CONCLUSIONS….………………………………………………………… REFERENCIES……………………………………………………………...  25 26   INTRODUCTION Relevance of topic. Modern European states are experiencing another wave of migration that brings with it change demographics in EU countries as well the problem of integrating migrants into the relevant society. Today, European countries are faced with a huge influx of migrants out of conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Growth of illegal migration flows EU countries create economic problems and exacerbate the current crisis debt of European economies, so this problem is extremely relevant and need of more detailed study. Research of problems of financing renewable energy projects in Ukraine is covered in a number of publications of many scientists, among them K. Melnikov, A. Fitisova, S. Tolstov, M. Ovramets, I. Yakovina, G. Lutyshyn, D. Kovalev and others. The positions of the authors are quite different: some justify the breakup the EU, others - that governments will find a way to overcome problems of migration crisis. However, all scientists are convinced that the question must be resolved. Purpose of study is to analyze the main trends and dynamics migration processes in the context of aggravation of the migration crisis in EU countries. In accordance with the aim of the qualification work, the following tasks were set: to study the essence of international migration in the global economic system; to investigate the causes and effects of the impact of international migration on countries; to identify the foundations of the migration crisis in Europe; to explore the effects of migration on European countries; to offer directions to overcome the migration crisis in Europe. Object of study is migration processes that create crises and affect the economic development of countries. Subject of study is the migration crisis in EU. Research methods. The following research methods were used to achieve the goals set in the paper: abstract-logical, theoretical generalization, systematic and complex approaches, factor analysis, statistical method, comparative analysis, causal analysis. Information base of research. During writing the research paper, scientific legislative and regulatory acts in the field of migration, information material from the World Bank, the International Organization for Migration, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, International labor organizations, the International Organization for Migration, the European Commission were used. 1.THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF THE MIGRATION 1.1 The essence of international migration in the global economic system Population migration plays an important role in the modern world and covers almost every country in the world. The movement of labor across borders is part of the social process of population migration - very complex in nature, varied i...
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17.01.2020 01:01


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Антиботан аватар за замовчуванням

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26.02.2019 12:38

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